2022年Elsevier旗下期刊Catena发表我院刘德新副教授的研究成果,(Liu Dexin, Gu Lei, Wu Pengfei, Pan Yanfang, Ma Jianhua. Sedimentary records of Palaeofloods during the late Holocene along the Lower Yellow River, China: A comprehensive study based on multi-proxy. Catena, DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106690)该研究以开封黄泛地层为研究对象,通过整合粒度、黑碳、人为源元素和花粉等沉积韵律代用指标,提出了...
刘德新副教授在Science of The Total Environment发表论文,研究黄河中游河水孢粉来源及其与植被/土地利用的关系
2022年10月,Elsevier旗下期刊Science of the Total Environment发表我院刘德新副教授的研究成果,(Xueli He, Dexin Liu, Yanfang Pan, Xi He, Mingmin Zhang, Shixiong Yang. Distribution and sources of fluvial pollen in the middle reaches of the Yellow River in China and their relationship with vegetation and land use. Science of The Total Environment, 2022: 159109.)该研究对黄河中游及其主要支流的45个水...
李旭辉副教授团队在Journal of Soils and Sediments发表论文,讨论四环素复合污染对超植物修复影响
2022年4月,Springer旗下期刊Journal of Soils and Sediments在线发表中心李旭辉副教授的研究成果(Weigang Zhu, Deyuan Zhu, Jimei He, Xinxin Lian, Zhuobin Chang, Ruichao Guo, Xuhui Li, Yulong Wang. Phytoremediation of soil co-contaminated with heavy metals (HMs) and tetracyclines: effect of the co-contamination and HM bioavailability analysis . Journal of Soils and sediments, 2022. https://...
王洋洋副教授团队在Marine Pollution Bulletin发表论文,对北冰洋、白令海及波弗特海海底沉积物中重金属的空间分布及生态风险进行研究
2022年5月,Elsevier旗下期刊Marine Pollution Bulletin正式在线发表中心王洋洋副教授的最新研究成果(Hui Zheng, Qiang Ren, Kaixuan Zheng, Zhikai Qin, Yangyang Wang, Yuguang Wang. Spatial distribution and risk assessment of metal(loid)s in marine sediments in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea. Marine Pollution Bulltin, 2022,179: 113729.)。该研究对北冰洋、白令海及波弗特海海底沉积物中重金属进行分析,...