马建华教授在Science of The Total Environment发表论文,研究钝化修复对重金属污染土壤物理环境的影响
2021年4月,Elsevier旗下期刊Science of the Total Environment正式发表我院刘德新老师和马建华教授的研究成果,(Yanfang Chen, Dexin Liu, Jianhua Ma, Bingyan Jin, Jianbiao Peng, Xueli He. Assessing the influence of immobilization remediation of heavy metal contaminated farmland on the physical properties of soil. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 781: 146773. )该研究以生态环境部在河南省济...
王洋洋老师在Chemical Engineering Journal发表最新研究成果
2021年4月,Elsevier旗下期刊Chemical Engineering Journal在线发表我中心王洋洋副教授的研究成果,(Runhua Chen, Yuying Cheng, Ping Wang, Qingwei Wang, Zhihui Yang, Congjian Tang, Siyuan Xiang, Siyuan Luo, Shunhong Huang, Changqing Su, Yangyang Wang. Facile synthesis of a sandwiched Ti3C2Tx MXene/nZVI/fungal hypha nanofiber hybrid membrane for enhanced removal of Be(II) from Be(NH2)2 complexing solut...
王洋洋老师在Science of the Total Environment发表重要学术成果
王洋洋老师在Science of the Total Environment发表重要学术成果2021年2月,Elsevier旗下期刊Science of the Total Environment在线发表我中心王洋洋副教授的研究成果,(Runhua Chen, Yuying Cheng, Ping Wang, Qingwei Wang, Si Wan, Shunhong Huang, Rongkui Su, Yuxia Song, Yangyang Wang. Enhanced removal of Co(II) and Ni(II) from high-salinity aqueous solution using reductive self-assembly of three-dimensional...