李旭辉副教授在Environmental Science and Pollution Research发表论文,探讨孔雀草和紫茉莉对Cd-四环素复合污染碱性土壤的修复潜力
2020年2月,Springer旗下期刊Environmental Science and Pollution Research正式发表我中心李旭辉副教授的研究成果,(Xuhui Li, Weigang Zhu, Gengjian Meng, Ruichao Guo, Yulong Wang. Phytoremediation of alkaline soils co-contaminated with cadmium and tetracycline antibiotics using the ornamental hyperaccumulators Mirabilis jalapa L. and Tagetes patula L. Environmental Science and Pollution Rese...
王洋洋副教授在Science of the Total Environment发表学术成果
2020年5月1日,Elsevier旗下期刊Science of the Total Environment在线发表我中心王洋洋副教授的研究成果,(Wang Yangyang, Yidan Liu, Wenhao Zhan, Kaixuan Zheng, Junnan Wang, Chaosheng Zhang, Runhua Chen. Stabilization of heavy metal-contaminated soils by biochar: challenges and recommendations. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 30, 139060.). 近年来,生物炭被广泛应用于重金属污染土壤的修复研究...
王洋洋副教授在Environmental Technology发表学术成果
2020年1月,Taylor & Francis旗下期刊Environmental Technology在线发表我中心王洋洋副教授的研究成果,(Yangyang Wang, Wenhao Zhan, Yidan Liu, Shanshan Cheng, Chaosheng Zhang, Jianhua Ma & Runhua Chen. Di-n-octyl phthalate degradation by a halotolerant bacterial consortium LF and its application in soil. 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2020.1713903). 该研究利用耐盐细菌菌群对DOP进行了生物降解研...
马建华教授在Journal of Cleaner Production重要成果
2019年10月,Elsevier旗下期刊Journal of Cleaner Production正式发表我中心主任马建华教授的研究成果,(Yinan Chen, Jianhua Ma, Changhong Miao, Xinling Ruan. Occurrence and environmental impact of industrial agglomeration on regional soil heavy metalloid accumulation: A case study of the Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone (ZETZ), China.). 该研究以郑州经济技术开发区为例,在研究区...