
王洋洋老师在Journal of Soils and Sediments发表论文探讨大田情况下改性纳米二氧化硅对玉米及小麦吸收重金属的影响

2019-08-10 11:54

   201988日,Springer旗下期刊Journal of Soils and Sediments在线发表了我中心王洋洋老师在土壤重金属污染钝化修复领域的最新研究成果(Yangyang Wang, Yidan Liu, Wenhao Zhan, Liumin Niu, Chaosheng Zhang, Xinling Ruan. A field experiment on stabilization of Cd in contaminated soils by surface-modified nano-silica (SMNS) and its phyto-availability to corn and wheat. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-019-02416-1) 。该论文以河南大学为第一完成单位,论文第一作者为王洋洋老师,通讯作者为阮心玲老师。Journal of Soils and Sediments为环境科学与生态学领域的国际知名期刊,2018年最新影响因子为2.669
